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Home Bondage


Home Bondage

Light bondage is simple erotic restraint. Bondage includes simply getting comfortable and allowing your partner to restrain your wrists, and possibly your feet. Exploring some light bondage options can be a great way to bring some kink into the bedroom. Just in case anything goes wrong, keeping a pair of scissors around for easy removal of bondage material is important.

Limitations of light bondage: Some folks may not be able to participate in light bondage because of chronic pain or vascular issues. However, you can have a conversation with your partner to see how both of you can modify usage. For example, using cuffs may be easier for vascular issues because the cuffs can be as loose as preferred. Tape is more difficult to control how loose the restraint stays, whereas cuff tightness can be steadily maintained. Different positions may work better for others! Being bound while lying down may be difficult but sitting up in a chair may be more comfortable.

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By clicking the "enter" link above, you affirm that the following statements are true: I am of legal adult age and have the legal right to possess adult material in my community. I do not find images of bondage and adult nudity to be offensive or objectionable. I will not furnish material from this site to a minor or make any material from this site available to a minor. I understand the standards and laws of the community to which I am viewing/transporting this material, and am solely responsible for my actions. All material I receive from this site is for my own personal use, and will not be reused in any manner. If I use the services of this site in violation of the above agreement, I understand I may be in violation of local and federal laws. My interest in this material is personal. I am not accessing this material to use against the site operator or any person whatsoever involved within the site. I understand this site is not responsible for any site or the contents of any site it may link to.

Bondage Beacon is a curated and categorizeddirectory of women in bondage websites, created by and for bondage lovers.The emphasis is on picture/video sites, but many other types of sites, including technique, safety, fiction and gear sales are also listed.We update several times per week and currently list3646 sites classified into106 categories.

Categories help to find bondagewebsites in our directory using factors like restraint type (e.g., mummification,straitjackets), situation (e.g., Damsels in Distress (DID))or dress (e.g., Catsuits).

Helpless bondage play. Wrists tied beneath the ottoman, legs tied up in the air using ladder ties (ladders are great for lots of support). I discovered at this point that the barbell rack attachments make for great adjustable hard points.

At first glance our satiny home-spun 100% bamboo rope looks like a cotton or nylon rope- at least until you feel it. Run it through your fingers once and you will know why this is some amazing rope, soft and supple without the "burn" feeling one gets from pulling a synthetic fiber too quickly. Bamboo fibers are famous for their natural anti-bacterial properties. This is a great rope for those "messy" ties like crotch ropes, cbt, gags and such.

A careful examination of the narrative of Zeniff, Noah, and Limhi reveals at least four major steps that led them into bondage: they were over-zealous; they embraced wickedness; they failed to follow the living prophet; and they lacked spiritual knowledge. Limhi identified the first step as he spoke to his people:

While we question the wisdom of Zeniff, we could ask if the same kind of zeal causes people today to make agreements or sign contracts that will ultimately place them in political or financial bondage. Individuals can be over-zealous for material possessions, or they can become so involved in a cause or in their work that they begin to neglect the weightier matters that are most important, such as family, church, and service to others.

The Nephites who exercised their agency by following Zeniff were not immediately placed in physical bondage, but that decision certainly moved them much closer to that possibility. The same could be said of those of us today who risk our homes or savings in speculative financial ventures. It is important to remember that such people, like Zeniff, may be over-zealous, yet they are not necessarily wicked people. They may be a humble God-fearing people who have become trapped in their quest for financial success.

The human body is the sacred home of the spirit child of God, and unwarranted tampering with or defilement of this sacred tabernacle can bring only remorse and regret. We urge: stay clean, uncontaminated, undefiled. (Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball 7; hereafter TSWK)

One additional point applies to both physical and intellectual bondage: everyone is born with the Light of Christ, and that Light eventually causes all who are in bondage to seek their God-given freedoms. Concerning this principle President Ezra Taft Benson affirmed:

There is a God in heaven who is the sovereign power of the universe, and we are His literal offspring. He has endowed us with inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This He has implanted in the human breast. This is why men cannot be driven indefinitely or led by despotic rulers to intellectual or physical slavery and bondage. Fear and despotism may rule for a generation or two, or three, but in time the human spirit rebels, the spirit of liberty manifests itself, and its tyrannous hand is overthrown. (This Nation Shall Endure 69)

Having examined the different types of bondage and the steps that lead people into bondage, we need to examine the process that leads people out of bondage. On the subject of deliverance from bondage, the stories of Limhi and his people and that of Alma the Elder and his people present some unique insights.

Sadly, for many this bondage has already begun in this life. As with Limhi and his people, if we are slow to hearken to the counsel of the Lord, we only make our transformation to freedom more difficult and increase the degree of our bondage.

I have explained the steps that lead people along the road to bondage and examined the types of bondage we can encounter, the most serious and far-reaching of which is spiritual bondage. Furthermore, I have outlined the process by which one can escape from the hold of bondage. Significantly, the degree of bondage we experience is directly related to the timing of our repentance. The best time to repent is now.

Hughes, L. (1897) Thirty years a slave. From bondage to freedom. The institution of slavery as seen on the plantation and in the home of the planter. Milwaukee, South Side Printing Company. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

Hughes, Louis. Thirty years a slave. From bondage to freedom. The institution of slavery as seen on the plantation and in the home of the planter. Milwaukee, South Side Printing Company, 1897. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, .

Special Collections and Archives holds many books, periodicals, images, illustrations, and manuscript collections that are useful in the study of human sexuality. These resources span a broad array of topics, including both mainstream and what some might consider "alternative" sexual practices. One of the most fascinating of these topics is the study of bondage. Resources in Special Collections and Archives for the study of bondage can be found in the Library.

Definitions of bondage may differ slightly, but in very significant ways. In some cases, the practice is defined as a wholly physical or sexual experience, "the state or practice of being physically restrained, as by being tied up, chained, or put in handcuffs, for sexual gratification." Other definitions link the practice of bondage to S&M, "sadomasochistic sexual practices involving the physical restraint of one partner." And still others focus on a more inclusive set of factors that involve "consensually tying, binding, or restraining a partner for erotic, aesthetic, and/or somatosensory stimulation."

There are several things to consider when attempting to study, discuss, or write about bondage as a sexual practice. Philologically, bondage falls under the umbrella of BDSM, an acronym for Bondage & Discipline/Dominance & Submission/Sadism & Masochism. Because there is such diversity within the BDSM community, it is difficult to provide a single definition especially given the apparent cross-over. For instance, Bondage is not a distinct and separate practice from Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, or Masochism. However, it is also not required of any of these practices. It is precisely because of this variability that there are so many investigative directions one might choose in the study of BDSM.

For instance, one might wonder if there are distinctions to be made between sexual gratification and eroticism, if the categorization of bondage as a sadomasochistic practice is accurate, or whether definitions consider the potential variety within bondage as a practice. Other courses of study might include the socio-cultural responses to the lifestyle as depicted in literature (on the rise since the publication of Fifty Shades of Grey in 2011), or the legality or enforceability of the BDSM "contract." Another line of inquiry might investigate feminist critiques of the lifestyle and any relationship it might have to sexualized violence. Because there are so many variations in both the sexual practice and theoretical study of bondage, the topic can be researched from many perspectives. 59ce067264




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