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Stephen Shirodkar
Stephen Shirodkar


The National Day of Baiana de Acarajé is celebrated annually on November 25th. A tribute to the historical and cultural importance of the figure of the baiana de acarajé, the name given to the women who are dedicated to the production and sale of this typical Bahia delicacy.



In 2005, the craft of baiana de acarajé was registered as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Brazil. This title not only recognizes the importance of this popular figure for Bahian culture, but also preserves the traditional practice of production and sale of Bahian food on trays in the streets of the cities.

The baianas de acarajé are the historical and affective memory of Bahia. They are the ones who present the city, customs and flavors of Salvador. Visit Salvador da Bahia prepared a true immersion in the history, customs, clothing, religion and symbols associated with the baianas.

The baiana point is licensed by the City Hall, so it cannot be sold to another person, being passed on from mother to daughter. But, even before all the legalization of the craft, it was already a tradition for the tray to be passed on to a family member. Two well-known baianas are examples: Dinha and Cira, in Rio Vermelho, and another one, Tânia Bárbara Neri, in Farol da Barra. Learn these and other stories at this link.

Nowadays, it is not a rule that they are Candomblé people either. The baiana may even be of another religion, as long as she respects the tradition and that she follows the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) decree, which says that the baianas must be on the street in a gown, skirt and headscarf and the tray must be organized. The beads and earrings are also allowed by the health surveillance. 041b061a72




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