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Donald Beck
Donald Beck


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A national survey of 185 orthopedic surgery residency-training program directors revealed that 58% believed that improvement in surgical skills by orthopedic residents was not objectively measured in their training programs.25 The introduction of validated assessment instruments into the evaluation of orthopedic trainee surgical skills enhanced the ability to measure the components of surgical competencies. Numerous assessment tools that incorporate task-specific checklists and global rating scales have been involved in the assessment of surgical skills in the sawbones simulation contexts. In addition, objective assessments through validated motion analysis tracking devices were integrated into the evaluation process. However, Leong et al5 studied the construct, content, face, and predictive validity of sawbones simulation exercises in comparison with cadavers. Their results identified that composite bone model exercises were deficient in discriminating between novice and expert surgeons using an objective motion capture analysis and a modified OSATS GRS.5

Second, engagement of the trainees in the learning activity must be a central focus during the sawbones simulation training.32 The appropriate challenge level and variability of practice with gradual integration of the real operating room environment (such as, anaesthetic machine sound) would increase the authenticity of learning, and therefore, learner engagement.

Sawbones are artificial bones designed to simulate the bone architecture, as well as the bone's physical properties. The incorporation of sawbones simulation laboratories in many orthopedic training programs has provided the residents with flexibility in learning and scheduling that align with their working hour limitations. This review paper deliberates the organization of sawbones simulation in orthopedic surgical training to enhance trainee's future learning. In addition, it explores the implications of sawbones simulation in orthopedic surgical teaching and evaluation. It scrutinizes the suitability of practicing on sawbones at the simulation laboratory to improve orthopedic trainee's learning. This will be followed with recommendations for future enhancement of sawbones simulation-based learning in orthopedic surgical training. 781b155fdc




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