Best Buy Check Policy
Best Buy Check Policy ===>
ATTN: To whomever it may concern.Hello my name is Randall removed per forum guidelines and And I bought it all-in-one computer on the July 21st, 2021 and returned it in box on July 25th, 2021 for a full refund, but since the amount was over $800 I had to get a purchase that I paid in cash for refunded by a mailed check refund of $1,309.33 and unbeknownst to me at time of purchase nor at time of return did I know of this store return policy that takes 10 business days to be mailed check refund if item is in excess of $800 or more, which would never ever arrive and in fact I believe never was sent to begin with. I then on day 6 or 7 went into the store and thus is when I found out about the length of time it would possibly take and in which they told me 5 to 10 days at max would it take for me to receive the in mail check refund for $1,309.33. It has been well over the 10 day mark (15 days+) and I have in all now total contacted the store 4 separate times in person and called 5 other times. I'm no closer to this day as when I started this nightmare return policy crap and I'm to still be at the same point I was the day I returned it, with no computer and still with no refund. FYI, they do not send the refund in a signed delivery method nor does check have any sort of tracking oh and they also will not be able to or just won't but be able to tell you of the day itwas sent either. Which is Ludacris! Now I'm sick with covid, can't pay rent and been evicted as of Friday the 6th of August the 10th or 11th day of said refund I was to get "best-buy" said. I went so much as to tell my landlord I'd be getting said check and we'll we know that didn't come thru so hence the eviction. Thanks best buy awesome service! At least if your gonna have a policy stick by the dang thing and honor your commitment it's even part of yalls code of ethics for Christ's sake. People depend on your honesty. May I please be allowed to go and pick up in store instead of having to wait another 10 days or more or worse like now not at all and be able to recieve my refund in check or cash in store instead and it would be really appreciated and restore my confidence and faith in best buy again if yall were to grant that and I dunno recieve some sort of compensation as such a gift card of $400-$500 for the whole horrible ordeal I've been put thru over the whole matter and currently still going thru Be making right and justifying toward me in my books if yall were to do so.
Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us here at our community forums regarding this return. I know whenever I return something I hope to have the funds available in my account as quickly as possible and can understand wanting to be sure of the status of this check.
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Consumers can register online at or call Best Buy at 800-566-7498 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Monday through Friday, or go online at or and click on Product Recalls for more information.
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Well, I purchased a GPS for my car, a Tom Tom XL.S from "Best Buy". They have a policy that it must be returned within 14 days for a refund! So after 4 days I returned it in the original box with all the items in the box, with paper work and cords all wrapped in the e plastic. Just as I received