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Michael Jenkins

How to Install Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 Drivers on Windows 7

How to Install Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 Drivers on Windows 7

If you have a Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 DVR card and want to use it on Windows 7, you may encounter some difficulties with the driver installation. The original driver that comes with the card is not compatible with Windows 7, and you may not be able to find an updated driver on the official Geovision website. However, there is a workaround that can help you install the driver and use the card on Windows 7.

Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52

In this article, we will show you how to install Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 drivers on Windows 7 using a third-party software called DriverMax. DriverMax is a free tool that can scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and download them from a large database of drivers. It can also backup and restore your drivers in case of any problems.

Steps to Install Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 Drivers on Windows 7

  • Download and install DriverMax from You will need to create a free account and activate it by email.

  • Run DriverMax and click on the "Scan for driver updates" button. It will take some time to analyze your system and find the drivers you need.

  • When the scan is finished, you will see a list of drivers that are outdated or missing. Look for the driver for Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 and click on the "Download and install" button next to it.

  • DriverMax will download the driver from its database and install it on your computer. You may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

  • After restarting, you can check if the driver is installed correctly by going to Device Manager and looking for Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 under Sound, video and game controllers. If you see a yellow exclamation mark or a red cross next to it, it means there is a problem with the driver. You can try to update or uninstall and reinstall the driver using DriverMax.

  • If the driver is installed successfully, you can use your Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 DVR card on Windows 7 with the software that came with the card or any compatible software such as Geovision Main System, ViewLog, Center V2, WebCam, etc.

Tips and Warnings

  • Before installing any driver, it is recommended to backup your current drivers using DriverMax or another tool. This way, you can restore them in case of any problems or conflicts.

  • DriverMax is a free tool for personal use only. If you want to use it for commercial purposes, you will need to purchase a license.

  • DriverMax may not have the latest or most compatible driver for your device. You should always check the official website of your device manufacturer for updates or support.

  • Installing drivers from unknown sources may cause damage to your system or compromise its security. You should only download drivers from trusted websites or databases.

We hope this article helped you install Geovision Gv 650 800 S V3.52 drivers on Windows 7. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. 29c81ba772




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