What are Privilege Keys and How to Generate Them for Teamspeak 3
Teamspeak 3 Privilege Key Generator
Teamspeak 3 is a popular voice communication software that allows you to chat with your friends, teammates, or colleagues over the internet. You can create your own server and invite others to join, or you can join an existing server and participate in various channels. However, not all servers are open for everyone. Some servers may require you to have certain privileges or permissions to access them. This is where privilege keys come in handy.
Teamspeak 3 Privilege Key Generator
Privilege keys are codes that grant you specific privileges on a Teamspeak 3 server. For example, you can use a privilege key to become a server admin, a channel admin, or a registered user. With these privileges, you can perform various actions on the server, such as creating channels, editing settings, kicking users, banning users, etc. Privilege keys are also useful for securing your server from unwanted guests or intruders.
In this article, I will show you how to get a privilege key for Teamspeak 3 server, how to use it for Teamspeak 3 client, how to manage it for Teamspeak 3 server, and some tips and tricks for using it effectively. By the end of this article, you will be able to enjoy Teamspeak 3 with more freedom and control.
How to get a privilege key for Teamspeak 3 server
There are three main methods to get a privilege key for Teamspeak 3 server. You can use the default key generated by the server, you can use the serverquery interface to generate a new key, or you can use a third-party tool or script to generate a new key. Let's look at each method in detail.
Method 1: Use the default key generated by the server
When you create a new Teamspeak 3 server, it automatically generates a default privilege key for you. This key gives you the highest level of privileges on the server, which is the server admin group. You can use this key to access and manage your server, as well as create other privilege keys for different groups or channels.
To find the default key, you need to check the log file or the terminal output of your server. The log file is usually located in the logs folder of your server installation directory. The terminal output is the text that appears on your screen when you run the server executable. Look for a line that says something like this:
2023-06-11 18:58:16.123456INFO VirtualServerBase1 listening on 2023-06-11 18:58:16.123456INFO VirtualServerBase1 client 'server'(id:0) added privilege key for servergroup 'Server Admin'(id:6) with value: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
The value after the colon is your default privilege key. In this example, it is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Copy this value and save it somewhere safe. You will need it later to use it for your Teamspeak 3 client.
Method 2: Use the serverquery interface to generate a new key
If you don't have access to the log file or the terminal output of your server, or if you want to generate a new privilege key for some reason, you can use the serverquery interface to do so. The serverquery interface is a text-based interface that allows you to communicate with your server using commands and parameters. You can connect to the serverquery interface using telnet or a client that supports it, such as YaTQA or Putty.
To connect to the serverquery interface, you need to know the IP address and the query port of your server. The IP address is the same as the one you use to connect to your server as a client. The query port is usually 10011 by default, unless you changed it in your server configuration file. For example, if your server IP address is and your query port is 10011, you can connect to the serverquery interface using telnet like this:
telnet 10011
Once you are connected, you will see a welcome message and a prompt that looks like this:
TS3 Welcome to the TeamSpeak 3 ServerQuery interface, type "help" for a list of commands and "help " for information on a specific command. login client_login_name=serveradmin client_login_password=password error id=0 msg=ok use sid=1 error id=0 msg=ok serverquery>
The first thing you need to do is to login with your serveradmin credentials. These are the username and password that you set when you created your server, or that were given to you by your hosting provider. If you don't remember them, you can check them in your log file or terminal output, or contact your hosting provider for assistance.
To login, type the following command and press enter:
login client_login_name=serveradmin client_login_password=password
Replace serveradmin and password with your actual username and password. If you login successfully, you will see an error id=0 msg=ok message.
The next thing you need to do is to select the virtual server that you want to generate a privilege key for. A virtual server is an instance of Teamspeak 3 that runs on your physical server. You can have multiple virtual servers running on one physical server, each with its own settings and users.
To select a virtual server, type the following command and press enter:
use sid=1
Replace 1 with the ID of your virtual server. You can find out the ID of your virtual server by typing list and pressing enter. This will show you a list of all virtual servers running on your physical server, along with their IDs and names.
If you select a virtual server successfully, you will see an error id=0 msg=ok message.
Now you are ready to generate a privilege key for your virtual server. To do this, type the following command and press enter:
tokenadd tokentype=0 tokenid1=6 tokenid2=0
This command will generate a privilege key for the server admin group, which has the ID of 6. The tokentype parameter specifies the type of the privilege key, which can be either 0 for server groups or 1 for channel groups. The tokenid1 parameter specifies the ID of the group that the privilege key will grant access to. The tokenid2 parameter specifies the ID of the channel that the privilege key will grant access to, if the tokentype is 1. If the tokentype is 0, the tokenid2 parameter should be 0.
If you generate a privilege key successfully, you will see a message like this:
The value after the equal sign is your privilege key. In this example, it is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Copy this value and save it somewhere safe. You will need it later to use it for your Teamspeak 3 client.
You can generate more privilege keys for different groups or channels by changing the parameters of the tokenadd command. For example, if you want to generate a privilege key for the channel admin group of channel 1, you can type the following command and press enter:
tokenadd tokentype=1 tokenid1=5 tokenid2=1
This command will generate a privilege key for the channel admin group, which has the ID of 5, and for channel 1, which has the ID of 1. You can find out the IDs of different groups and channels by typing servergrouplist and channellist and pressing enter. This will show you a list of all groups and channels on your virtual server, along with their IDs and names.
Method 3: Use a third-party tool or script to generate a new key
If you don't want to use the serverquery interface to generate a privilege key, or if you want to automate the process, you can use a third-party tool or script to do so. There are many tools and scripts available online that can help you generate a privilege key for Teamspeak 3 server using the serverquery interface or the PHP framework. Some examples are:
TS3 PHP Framework: A PHP library that provides native access to Teamspeak 3 servers via ServerQuery. You can use this library to create your own scripts or applications that can generate privilege keys for Teamspeak 3 servers.
TS3 Privilege Key Generator: A web-based tool that allows you to generate privilege keys for Teamspeak 3 servers using the TS3 PHP Framework. You can use this tool to create privilege keys for different groups or channels, as well as customize them with names or descriptions.
TS3 Token Generator: A Windows application that allows you to generate privilege keys for Teamspeak 3 servers using the ServerQuery interface. You can use this application to create privilege keys for different groups or channels, as well as backup or restore them from a file.
To use any of these tools or scripts, you need to have access to your server's IP address, query port, username, and password. You also need to have PHP installed on your system if you want to use the TS3 PHP Framework or the TS3 Privilege Key Generator. Follow the instructions provided by each tool or script to generate a privilege key for your Teamspeak 3 server. dcd2dc6462